Therapy for moms of young children

unlock your intuition

Creating a peaceful emotional energy for yourself is an effective tool for creating the stories and emotional patterns that bring in a new start. Parenting children may trigger old beliefs and rules that keep us locked in a need for certainty and scarcity. These fearful feeling spaces may be reflecting the unhealed parts of your story that have you responding from a rigid perspective. Its these unhealed stories that may be creating an invisible boundary to the life you want for yourself and your children.

Therapy is a helpful space to create a new story that reflects the life you want for yourself and your child. We can explore the personas and most frequent emotions that may be directing your present path. I use a blend of emotional skills development, energetic connections with boundaries/relationships and parenting tools informed by attachment theory.

Therapeutic story telling and expressive arts can bring in a new ways of seeing the world that communicates safety and self trust to the body. I can teach you how to tell therapeutic stories to your child and use sensory routines to bring peace into your daily routines. This helps bring a safe energetic space to explore new ways of responding to yourself and your environment.

I can help you manifest the life you want for yourself and your child by unlocking your intuition and self trust.