Soul Collage

Art and collage helps us tune into our intuition and conscious thoughts. Often we are traveling through days and years being led by unconscious thoughts that are tethered to our past childhood conditioning. It’s actually hard to know what we want and how to build a path forward. We are often moving in a familiar path, that is leading us in the opposite direction of the wonderful experiences we want. We build illustrative stories on what we don’t want which often leads us on an accidental pursuit of the worst.

Perfectionism, overachieving and fawn are few personas that may reflect a mythology from childhood that is unknowingly directing our choices. These mythologies make it difficult to tap into our wisdom and true self. Author Elizabeth Gilbert, who wrote Eat, Pray Love says, that perfectionist is fear dressed up in heals and a mink coat pretending to be fancy. It tricks us into thinking that the end result is pleasing others which doesn’t reflect our heart and has us walking an endless loop of disconnect from our dreams.

Soul collage is a process of looking at ourselves through art, so that we can tune into our greater wisdom. Before you go to sleep, put a few beautiful cut out small pictures from magazines or downloads of objects and words that might inspire you. Each morning journal a few sentence of what you want for the day and what you want for the year. Use colors to express the energy of that feeling, and use pictures and drawings to help further tell the story of what you want.

Connecting to stillness and expressing your wants through art and words helps us see ourselves from a different angle. Often we have buckets of things we must accomplish or step through before we arrive at a preferred destination. This art process allows you to see what you want separate from the hurdles. Morning is an amazing time to do this project, as we are less distracted by our unconscious thoughts and the rigor of the day.

It is an amazing process to look at the themes of what you are creating with a collage of pictures, words and color. It’s illuminating to look at the themes from these journal and collage prompts. It’s helpful to have a small art book that you can use daily and reflect back after a month’s time to see patterns and insights into your inner emotional world. This creates magic in our world as it reorients us toward what brings us joy, happiness and abundance in our daily life and in our future.