Therapists, entrepreneurs, and healers use awareness of flow and energy to build a successful practice in my upcoming consultation groups.

Our energy and self talk is often influenced by our past experiences. If these past experiences reflect safety and love from an earlier time, we can then translate this feeling of peace to the present moment. Tuning into our energy and flow helps build a business and personal life that we love. It’s this peace in the body and in our thoughts that helps us tap into wider range of thoughts and answers that create new ways of seeing the world.

The hurting stories that we hear as healers and often in our personal life, influence how we interpret and see our present moment. Anxiety and depression change the way we feel energetically and shapes the way we interact with our self talk. Our thoughts and self talk may be moving in a pattern of rigidity which creates disorganization in how we respond to different parts of our business. Our own rigid thinking may be influenced from our past personas or belief systems. It’s helpful to connect to our energy and what it is telling us. This can be challenging when we spend most of our time tuning into others thoughts, emotions and health.

We often focus on logic or emotions to help decode and better understand how to create financial and personal abundance in our life. Logic is often tied to limiting beliefs that are unknowingly tethered to how we create meaning which influences our path forward. We may also look to emotions to help us create a plan to move us toward financial peace. Our emotions are often influenced by the intensity and hurting stories that we hear on a daily basis. I have spent the last two years creating a plan to help healers and entrepreneurs meet their financial and personal goals. I meet with 4-6 healers to bring, logic, emotions and energy together to move toward financial and personal peace.

Energy is often the missing ingredient in creating a new way of interacting with our business plan and financial goals. For example, if we are feeling sad or overwhelmed, our financial plans may unknowingly be matching these emotional experience. I use distancing techniques, art and journaling prompts, and compassionate inquiry to help align logic, emotions and energy to business decisions. These strategies will help you show up in your business in a way that reflects the hopes and compassion that you want to see in yourself and others.

We often have a unconscious reaction to money and limiting beliefs on self care, it’s these reactions that may be contradicting your plan towards abundance in your work and personal life. It’s helpful to look at the signals that your nervous system sends when talking or respond to business decisions. We explore in group, the importance of bringing in flow and energy awareness to all parts of business planning.

Come join me in an experience of sharing with others how to shine your light while protecting your energy. This experience will unlock difficult and negative narratives that may be showing up in your day to day interactions with your business. We will use expressive arts, and exploration of how to deepen your understanding of what you want and how to get there.