Healers and Helpers Wanting to Create a New Beginning and Story for Healing. Begin your healing journey here www.westseattleholisticfamilycounseling.com (Copy)

Therapy is helpful place to untangle perfectionism and the fear it projects.

Past hurt may have you responding from a space of rigid focus, these rigid responses can push us into a dominant emotion of fear or perfectionism which separates us from our intuition and healing.

I can help you create a future that gathers information from the full attention of your higher self. We can explore old programming with new questions and new emotional habits to develop a rhythm that reflects the wishes of you healed future self.

I use expressive arts and a holistic approach to help you connect to the stories and feelings of your healed future self. Unlock your peace and soul story here www.westseattleholisticfamilycounseling.com

Katie Unterreiner