Starting Over after a Breakup Start your healing journey here.

Feeling Patterns

Are you looking to create a new beginning, one that taps into your deeper intuition and soul understanding of the world?

Often feeling habits trap and hold old conflicts and pain. These feeling habits and patterns then inform how we respond to ourselves and others. Unresolved grief may have us moving in predictable patterns and adopting old identities or personas that no longer serve us. Triggers and past trauma may be putting you in this pattern, disconnecting you from your present moment. Feeling hurt or betrayed by someone can lead to anchoring, which has us focus primarily on what we did wrong with the exclusion of other more self compassionate possibilities. These triggers that push you toward anchoring on the worse case scenario may be signals to heal old wounding and bring back your own self-led energy.

Unhealthy feeling patterns based on fight and flight and held by past trauma or unresolved conflict.

Old wounds or present hurts from a break up or other loss often lead us to a need for certainty which may separate you from your intuition in the present moment. Breakups may have you interacting with the present moment from a space of scarcity and fear which may lead to a rigid need to predict and control aspects of your life. Breakups often sits with the dominant emotion of fear which can bring up old emotional habits such as perfectionism, narrowed perception or lack of personal awareness. Breakups can have you feeling defensive and moving to a hurting space, you may move into rescuer, fawn or perfectionist which may be interfering with your healing process. Starting over after a break up can be a helpful time to elevate your emotional and spiritual responses to yourself and others.

Healthy emotional patterns based on self-led energy address needs with intentional energy.

An ability to give new meaning to a painful experience, grieve old identities such as fawn or perfectionism and staying conscious can create a new emotional pattern that leads you to a place of healing and peace. It’s helpful to listen to the need of a trigger by tapping into your sixth sense (becoming present with your sensory experiences) to help you create the future that matches you heart.

I use expressive arts and a holistic approach to help women change the script and interrupt shame, judgement and perfectionism that may be leading you to self sabotage. I support women in developing positive triggers or glimmers that help you lead from a space of intuition and self trust. We can explore together how to interrupt old unhelpful emotional patterns that may have been unconsciously directing your path. Lets work together to create a new start.